Case Study - Surface Engineering by SYLOCON®

Consistent Strengthening and Making Impermeable and Durable Buildings with AAC Blocks, Fly Ash Bricks and Concrete

SYLOCON® - The Nano composite additive for plastering is commonly used to get rid of the cracks on plastered surface and waterproofing AAC blocks, Fly ash bricks and other masonry components.

But a recent study has shown that it has another unique property which couldn’t be identified earlier. The most interesting property of this Nano composite is gradually strengthening and making the entire surface impermeable. This property makes all masonry components much more durable and maintenance free.

From the moment that any material is released from the point of production, it is in theory subjected to some form of materials degradation although such degradation may not be readily observed or measured. Material degradation imposes a cost penalty on all civil engineering. This can be defined in terms of loss of performance of an engineering system. Loss of performance can relate to many parameters. Some loss of performance is inevitable unless right control measures are implemented.

In view of Surface Engineering, the present day’s pollution and effect of Green House Gases has a major impact on buildings. pH of the storm water is decreased than before, the composition of any masonry unit which are based on cement are being deteriorated because, cement-based materials after hydration are deteriorated due to decomposition. As pH of storm water decreases to values lower than stability limits of cement hydrates, cement hydrate loses calcium and decomposes. It becomes an amorphous hydrogel.

Surface engineering is pertinent to know the surface condition of any substance and provides right solution that protects the outer surface of the substance. As because of any deterioration of any substance under weather action is due to the consistent deterioration of the outer surface.

SYLOCON® - the Nano composite plaster additive is closely related with Surface engineering. This is a time-honored solution to protect masonry and concrete from aggressive weather action consistently. This strengthens the masonry units and concrete as well as serves to shield the structure against weather actions. From the point of Surface engineering, now there is a range of techniques available to get rid of material degradation. But, in some cases it’s noticed that shielding material itself degrades due to Biological and Biochemical modes of materials degradation. Different type of modes is found in this field. I would like to add few relevant points for better understanding of this claim of self-degradation of shielding materials by the Biological and Biochemical effects. If we talk about few polymers those are widely used in shielding purposes like PVC, Polyurethane, Nylon, Different Acrylics, POLY (Styrene Butadiene Styrene} – SBS, Styrene Butadiene Copolymer, etc. we find the mode of degradation of different types of shielding material those are based on these kinds of protective polymers. I am just discussing on few of those.

- POLY (Styrene Butadiene Styrene) – SBS, Styrene Butadiene Copolymer - The Biocompatibility of ESBS Membrane was evaluated with the cell culture of fibroblasts on the membrane. It revealed that the cells not only remained viable but also proliferated on the surface of the various ESBS membranes and the population doubling time for fibroblast culture decreased.

- PVC - This popular item itself is degraded by microorganisms like Fungi (e.g. Aureobasidium Pullulans) and bacteria (e.g. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa). The main mode of action is increased loss of plasticizers due to microbial degradation.

- Polyurethane – This is widely used base material for shielding. But, that too is degraded by Fungi (e.g. Chaetomium Globosum) and bacteria (e.g. Bacillus Subtilis). The enzymatic activity of Fungi and bacteria causes a major failure of the shielding products based on this.

- Nylon - This is strange degradation of this shielding compound by wood – degrading fungi (e.g. Bjerkandera Adusta) and bacteria (e.g. Bacillus Pallidus). The degradation is physical disruption and enzymatic degradation.

- Acrylics – This popular material is decayed by Melanin producing fungi that causes physical disruption.

- Interestingly Fungi can also affect glass by colonizing its surface and secreting organic acids, which etch the surface of the glass. This form of damage is relatively mild and mainly significant in tropical climates.

These clear evidences prove that shielding material should have its own durability property to withstand weather action to protect the underneath substances.

Considering all above the degradation and mode of actions of different microorganisms, SYLOCON® is engineered to protect and provide honored life of cement-based building materials.

The specific characteristic of SYLOCON® is commonly known as a plaster additive for crack free plastering and water ingression and efflorescence. But the recent analysis has proved its unique efficacy to prolong its sustainability against weather action. Thus, the underneath substances remain intact and durability of building is enhanced. The most important mode of this reaction in terms of Surface engineering between the Nano particles in SYLOCON® is a slow and prolonged process, as the agglomeration occurs within the pores or voids in cement mortar.

The following image of accelerated agglomeration of one particular component in SYLOCON® that provides a life time durability of building is presented here.

The following SEM IMAGES X-ray Diffraction pattern shows the performance, The Nano tubes are along with Nano particles produce the composite which enhance the durability of the structure. Cracks are not developed on the finished surface.

SYLOCON® - the Nano Composite plaster additive is analyzed for its suitability according to the concept of Surface engineering. The study was conducted in laboratory and at application areas in different projects in country. SYLOCON® is proven as a most effective Nano composite which is capable to make the building durable. As the age of structure is increased, the deterioration is started. But, the past 29 years of field study and laboratory modelling with Nano Composite SYLOCON® could establish that the durability of a building or any concrete structure is enhanced by proper shielding with SYLOCON® added plaster or concrete. In this study, I have focused on the durability of different shielding materials according to Surface engineering. After detailed analysis and following case studies it is important to note that SYLOCON® additive added plaster or concrete is the durable and effective shield to provide a long life span of structures.

For further information,
Premankur Bhattacharya
Technical Head


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